Monday, May 16, 2016

An Easy Breezy Standing Stretch Sequence

So here's a little stretch sequence I did outside this week in between keeping an eye on my five kitty kids during supervised outside time

Put on music you enjoy. My husband introduced me to this song from Mo' Horizons this week. I love it! I gives me a sense of peace and sultriness ~ a great combo ;)

Neck rolls: My husband has a condition called lymphedema. This is when the lymph nodes don't pump fluids optimally, ie. the nutrients to the correct places or the toxins out. I have specifically studied this in my stretch training. I found out that, unlike the heart which unconsciously pumps blood, lymph fluid pumping is dependent on the use of our muscles and our breath. And, although lymph nodes are all over our insides, one third are in the neck. So neck rolls and stretches have become very important to us.

These standing side stretches flow into a forward fold (where it is perfectly okay to keep knees bent some and definitely not locked), then into a gentle standing back bend. I repeat these a few times and hold myself in poses, as long as it feels like a gentle tug. Stance is simple: feet hip distance apart, tail bone tucked, shoulders down and back.

Next, I practice plank (hands under shoulders, like in the up of a push up). Then to flow into downward facing dog, I lift my hips so my butt in pointing to the sky. I hold these poses or flow in and out of them. Sometimes in plank I will try and bend my elbows into a slight "down" of a push up (but right now I'm not strong enough to stay in the correct plank stance while lowering down. Will keep practicing). In downward dog, I sometimes pedal my feet or dance my feet side to side. And I repeat this plank-down dog flow a few times.

I love this sequence of grande plie in 2nd position (2nd position is where the legs are in a wide stance. I only do grande plies in this position, keeping knees in line with the ankles (make sure your knees do not reach over your toes as this is hard on the knees). Then I turn my feet forward and do a standing wide legged forward fold, walking my hands to each foot then back to center. I repeat this sequence several times.

Lastly, as I do in all my stretching, I end with a twist. Twists provide a balancing effect on the body after it has gone through a variety of stretches in different body parts. Twists are also excellent for digestion. Keeping the stance of feet hip distance apart, tail bone tucked, shoulders down and back, I twist from my waist looking behind as I twist side to side.

I try to not be in a hurry when doing these. I also take all the time I need to get good breaths during the stretches and in between stretches.

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