Sunday, May 29, 2016

"Mend The Bond, Torn By Pride"

The wise woman builds her home; precious and pleasant feelings, ideas, words, things, bodies and souls saturate that atmosphere.

The foolish woman plucks her house down with her very own fingers.

Doesn't this sound like a Grimm's fairy tale? The very anatomy of good versus evil. "Pluck", gosh it makes me for some reason think of the witch in Hansel and Gretel. Nagging whining, incessant roughness, bent on tearing down..but tiny piece by tiny piece, deceptively, no one knows before it's too late and the foundation is already destroyed.

In every family there are times of strain. So many times the answer I hear comes from the Disney/Pixar movie Brave: "Mend the bond torn by pride."

Sometimes I react and think it's someone else's pride, anger, annoyance, self centeredness, or self righteousness.

But every argument has two sides. No one is ever perfectly right except God Himself. And if just one person takes that step to mend the bond, peace is very likely to take over.

The Surgeon, the Prince of Peace, the Life Saver, the One who ultimately heals all can take back His reigning spot and pour Light over everyone, making love cover a multitude of yuckiness.

Doctors and nurses must declare that they will "first, do no harm." As kids of the ultimate Physician, we are bound to this oath as well.

We will mess up because like a doctor, we are still just practicing this thing called "a Christ follower"; our perfection will only be fully realized in the next life.

But we press on while Christ Himself lives inside us and transforms us into His beauty. We seek to heal, to do no harm, to sew up the tear that was lanced by pride.

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